Discount Codes

Silver Mushroom Discount Codes.

Our Pricing Promise is something we have thought long and hard about here at Silver Mushroom and we want to be as transparent with you about our thoughts as possible.

Kindly note that as of 2024 SIlver Mushroom does not offer discount codes or vouchers through any third parties. 
We also do not automatically apply discounts offered by third parties, so any codes you have will not be valid at checkout and will not be automatically applied to your basket. 

We promise to always offer you the best price possible for all items that we sell whilst also ensuring that we maintain excellent craftsmanship and materials. Whilst we are no longer offering regular sales or discounts we do have a 'Last Chance' clearance section that is regularly updated, this can be viewed below.


Our Pricing Promise

Our Pricing Promise is something we have thought long and hard about here at Silver Mushroom and we want to be as transparent with you about our thoughts as possible.

Silver Mushroom Discount Codes

Kindly note that as of 2024 SIlver Mushroom does not offer discount codes or vouchers through any third parties. 
We also do not automatically apply discounts offered by third parties, so any codes you have will not be valid at checkout and will not be automatically applied to your basket. 

We promise to always offer you the best price possible for all items that we sell whilst also ensuring that we maintain excellent craftsmanship and materials. Whilst we are no longer offering regular sales or discounts we do have a 'Last Chance' clearance section that is regularly updated, this can be viewed below.

View Our Last Chance Collection

"Buy Cheap, Buy Twice"

When we relaunched our website in the spring of 2024 we made a commitment to you, our valued customers, that we would strive for the very best quality in every corner of our business. Sourcing premium, ethical materials as well as ethical labour and suppliers has become a non-negotiable core-mission for our business. 
This level of quality comes with a higher price tag, but we believe that what you recieve in return far outweighs the initial investment. By shopping with Silver Mushroom you can have peace of mind that your purchase will withstand the test of time. 

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