Cherry bakewell tarts on frilly white plate.

The Very Best Cherry Bakewell Recipes

Posted by Maisie Yerkess on

Our theme of the week has been our wonderful Bakewell Bobble Bowl Collection. We’ve talked about the bobble bowls themselves, we’ve talked about Bakewell town, and now of course it’s time to talk about cherry bakewell. Because there’s simply no bakewell without cherries. We may be a little early for the UK cherry season, but we’re giving you plenty of time to practise. Even enough time to make your own cherry jam when the time comes.

Here are our favourite Cherry Bakewell recipes, in three different ways that are equally as delicious.

Mini Cherry Bakewell Tart


Cherry bakewell tarts on a frilly plate with one held up.

Shot on the Clovelly Ruffled Ceramic Cake Plate


Of course our first recipe has to be a cherry bakewell tart, and everything tastes better when it’s bitesize. We’re using pre-made shortcrust pastry here, but if you want to make your own (hats off to you), go ahead!

Makes 12.



  • 2 x 320g sheets of pre-made sweet shortcrust pastry

For the Frangipane: 

  • 120g butter, softened 
  • 120g golden caster sugar 
  • 1 medium egg
  • 1 tbsp plain flour 
  • 110g ground almonds
  • 90g cherry jam

For the Icing: 

  • 200g icing sugar 
  • 12 glacé cherries



  1. First up, pastry prep: Preheat the oven to 200ºc or 180ºc fan, and lightly grease a 12 hole muffin tin. 
  2. Unroll the sheet of pastry and use a 10cm circular pastry cutter to cut 12 pieces. Press the circles into the muffin tin making sure that they lip slightly over the top. Chill the pastry in the fridge for 20 mins.
  3. Scrunch up and loosen squares of baking paper, unscrunch them, and place on top of each pastry tart. Fill with baking beans or dried rice. 
  4. Bake for 10 minutes, then remove the paper and beans and bake for another 10 minutes until golden brown. Set aside to cool.
  1. Next, the Cherry Bakewell frangipane filling: Add the butter and sugar into a large mixing bowl, and beat until light and fluffy. Whisk in the egg, followed by the flour. Finally, fold in the ground almonds.
  2. Spoon a teaspoon of cherry jam, followed by the frangipane mix in each pastry case. 
  3. Bake for 20 minutes until the frangipane is golden and springs back. 
  4. Set aside to cool completely. 
  1. Mix the icing sugar with 2 tbsp of water, until it’s a thicker consistency that you’re happy with. 
  2. Spread the icing over each of the tarts, top with a cherry and leave to set. 
  3. Finally, plate up your cherry bakewell tarts and enjoy with a mug of tea.

Stuffed Cherry Bakewell NYC Cookie Recipe


Stuffed cherry bakewell nyc cookies on white frilly plate.

Shot  on the Clovelly Ruffled Ceramic Cake Plate


We at Silver Mushroom love an NYC cookie recipe, especially when they’re stuffed with something delicious. These stuffed cherry bakewell NYC cookies are tangy and delicious, and absolutely aren’t shy with that oh-so-tasty jammy cherry. 

If you’re not a lover of jam, this NYC cookie recipe can be made without the jam centre. For that signature cherry flavour, chop up 100g of glacé cherries and distribute them along with the white chocolate chips. 

Makes 8.



  • 125g of unsalted butter 
  • 100g light brown sugar 
  • 75g white granulated sugar 
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract 
  • 1 tsp almond extract 
  • 275g plain flour 
  • 1 tbsp cornflour 
  • 1 ½ tsp baking powder
  • ½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • ½ tsp sea salt 
  • 150g white chocolate chips 
  • 50g flaked almonds 
  • 100g cherry jam



  1. Beat the room temperature unsalted butter and sugar into a large mixing bowl until creamy. The softer your butter, the easier this will be! This is where a butter dish comes in handy...
  2. Once you’re happy with the creamy consistency, add in the egg, vanilla and almond extract and beat again. 
  3. Add in the plain flour, cornflour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda and salt and mix until a cookie dough is formed. When it starts to come together, I tend to use my (clean & washed) hands!
  4. Once you have a cookie dough, add in the chocolate chips and almonds, and mix them until they’re distributed evenly. 
  5. Divide your dough into 8 even balls. It’s worth weighing them here so that you get an even bake throughout your cookies. 
  6. Individually, flatten each cookie out in your hands, put in a teaspoon of jam, and fold the top over and make a stuffed dough ball. Make sure all the edges are sealed up so that the jam doesn’t leak out!
  7. Once all the cookie dough balls are stuffed, pop them in the freezer for at least half an hour. In the meantime, preheat your oven to 180ºC fan, or 200ºC normal. 
  8. Line two baking trays with parchment paper, and pop 4 cookies on each 
  9. Bake for 13 minutes, and then leave to cool for 30 minutes after removing from the oven.

There you have it, a complete cherry bakewell NYC cookie recipe. So, we suppose the next step is to plate them up and enjoy them - we're positive you will. Pass them out, if you must…

Cherry Bakewell Amaretto Sour


Cherry bakewell amaretto sour with small tart and cherries.


Whilst Amaretto sours are already the most wonderful cocktail (in our very humble Amaretto sour loving opinion), it’s always fun to try a twist on a classic cocktail. This cherry Bakewell cocktail is a quick and easy recipe that will quickly become a favourite. The better the glasses, the better the taste. Our Smoke Small Tumblers are the perfect choice.

Serves 2. 



  • 90ml amaretto 
  • 35ml cherry brandy or kirsch 
  • 35ml freshly squeezed lemon juice 
  • Egg white from one egg (or aquafaba for vegan alternative)
  • Ice to shake 
  • Glacé cherries to serve (optional)



  1. In a cocktail shaker, shake the amaretto, cherry brandy, lemon juice and egg white for 30 seconds, or until frothy. 
  2. Add some ice cubes, and re-shake for at least 30 seconds, until the cocktail shaker feels fully iced. Taste with a straw and adjust if necessary. 
  3. Strain the mixture into 2 glasses, pouring bit by bit in each glass to ensure they have equal foam. 
  4. If using, serve each cocktail with a cherry, and enjoy!


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